When starting a business, it is crucial to have a contract in place to outline the terms of your partnership. A well-written contract not only protects you and your partner(s), but also provides clarity and guidance on how to navigate potential conflicts. Here are some key tips on how to make a contract for partnership:

1. Define the Partnership: Start by clearly defining the business partnership, including the legal name, purpose, and mission statement. Specify the roles and responsibilities of each partner, and outline how profits and losses will be shared.

2. Identify the Term of the Partnership: Set the duration of the partnership and include provisions for how it can be extended or terminated. Be specific about how any assets or liabilities will be handled in the event of a dissolution.

3. Outline Capital Contributions: Specify the amounts and types of capital each partner is contributing to the partnership, and determine how new capital contributions will be handled.

4. Establish Decision-Making Procedures: Define how decisions will be made within the partnership, including voting procedures and dispute resolution methods. Consider including provisions for a third-party mediator or arbitrator in case of irreconcilable differences.

5. Include Non-Compete and Confidentiality Clauses: Protect the partnership`s intellectual property and trade secrets by including non-compete and confidentiality clauses in the contract. These clauses should outline what information is considered confidential and how it should be handled.

6. Plan for Departure: Include provisions for how a partner can leave the partnership, including a buyout clause and details about how remaining partners will continue to operate the business.

7. Have the Contract Reviewed by Legal Counsel: It is important to have a lawyer review the partnership agreement before it is signed to ensure that it complies with state and federal laws and that all partners understand the terms outlined in the contract.

In summary, creating a partnership contract is a crucial step in starting a successful business. By outlining the business`s purpose, roles, responsibilities, and procedures for decision-making, the partnership agreement can help avoid conflicts and protect all partners involved.